TaxPro Insurance Program

Paying for other people's exposure including audit and compilations? Check out the program where you know what you will pay before you buy.

Define your Professional Services starting with Tax Practitioner/Preparer, Enrolled Agent, Notary Public and Expert Witness.

Only pay for options you want, such as Tax Advice and Bookkeeping.

Add $10,000 Cyber Liability 3rd Party Coverage for costly regulatory compliance.

Add General Liability.

Even add Retroactive Coverage for a one-time charge where you have had o retroactive coverage or have a gap in coverage.

It's easy to apply. Send completed application today - [email protected], or call Gretchen McAlinden, 800.842.3653, x223

TaxPro Application 2020 - Other carrier applications also considered

TaxPro_Declarations Specimen

MPL Policy

Need coverage for services requiring CPA/LA designations? Contact us. See TaxPro Highlights for more information.